Sunday, August 06, 2006

it's just life...

(wrote this last July 5, 2006)

I use to never cry at movies or TV soaps, but I had one good cry tonight when I saw the latest One Tree Hill episode...the one where Ellie died. And I mean its one good cry, not just a couple of sobs, but really cry my hearts out cry! The last time I cried like that was when I saw Stepmom...after mom! Just goes to show there’s only one thing in this world that could make me cry...DEATH. Don't get me wrong, I am not afraid to die...everybody dies! I know that. And dying could not be such a bad thing, right? But what makes me cry everytime someone dies in the movies is seeing the people they leave behind…and knowing how hard it’s gonna be for them to ever be happy again! One good thing Ellie said in that scene when she was comforting Peyton was to "focus on the living, every good song ends but it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the music... there's nothing to be afraid of...IT'S JUST LIFE!"

but i'm still afraid...:c God I miss my mom so much!!!

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